Drg Chenny Diana , Sp.KG

Drg Chenny Diana

Drg Chenny Diana

Drg Chenny Diana earned bachelor degree in dentistry from Trisakti University in 2011.  Subsequently, she took Conservative Specialist degree in Trisakti University and managed to graduate as best graduate in 2015.

She actively participates in numerous national and international seminars including Endo Forum: Catching the Latest Technology in Endodontic (Jakarta, 2012), Dr. Galip Gurel “A Comprehensive 3 Days Training Course” (Singapore, 2014), Beyond the Frontier of Endodontic in Mahidol University (Bangkok, 2017) and IFEA (International Federation of Endodontic Association) World Endodontic Congress (Seoul, 2018).

Drg. Chenny has published some of her case reports and writing. One of her case report “Retrieval of a Separated Instrument in 1/3 Apical of Root Canal” won the first place in Forum Ilmiah (FORIL) XI Award in 2015. She presently serves as an Endodontic in Success Dental Clinic.

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